
Persistence pays off
  |  First Published: March 2010

Hard work paid off for those who fished Mulwala for cod over the past month. Plenty of anglers returned reporting ‘not a touch’ but, as usual, those who persisted found fish.

The lake is now coming into its prime lure fishing time, with slightly cooler and calmer days making conditions ideal. Seek out areas in the lake that have some current flow, along with a horizontal timber, and you should succeed.

As usual, below the weir there are fish aplenty but you would be lucky to land one legal (60cm) from 50 fish. Small cod, trout cod and silver perch do become pests, taking your bait, do provide a fun day out.

Jarrod Martin, of Bendigo, sent an excited email describing a weekend he and Wayne Palmer, of Cranbourne, had at Mulwala with Roger Miles from Cod Hunter Fishing Tours. They landed 10 cod with an 87cm, a 70cm and the rest 60cm and under and learnt plenty.

“We didn't think the weekend could get much better until Monday morning when we put our new skills to the test by ourselves,” Jarrod said. On the third snag of the morning Wayne hooked up big-time and after a titanic battle a 110cm cod was on the brag mat.

“A few quick photos and then to watch her swim away to the beat of a massive tail is an experience that will take a lot to beat,” Jarrod wrote.

I have heard nothing but glowing reports from anybody who has spent time with Roger so if you are looking to take your cod fishing to that next level, give him a call.


I frequently receive encouraging reports from those who bait-fish from the Mulwala foreshore around the swimming pool, Train Park and Owan Bridges Reserve. They seldom seem to fail and cod to 75cm have been common. Best baits have been bardi grubs, scrub worms and cheese.

As usual, my report would not be complete without mentioning the exploits of George Jovanovic, whose best this month was 120cm.

He put special effort into reviving one fish that looked like it was going to go belly up, creating an in-water cradle complete with umbrella to keep the fish upright and protected from the sun for three hours until it had regained its energy and swam off.


The eighth Lowrance Da$h 4 Ca$h Super Series saw a full field of 200 fight for the $10,000-plus on offer. The lake was not very forgiving with anglers battling brisk winds for a total 41 of legal fish with an 89cm cod caught by Alan Way the longest.

Tony English and Jason Moss took the $1500 cash for Saturday morning. Terry Jenkins and Gary Bolger produced for the afternoon session with $2000.

Sunday morning was a quickfire three-hour session where Glen Scoble and Ray Miller missed out by a mere 2.1points to see Guy Rehfisch and Paul Kline take home $2500. Thanks to Lowrance, all winning teams received the latest in fish finders to complement their winnings.

The final leg of the Freshwater Masters Series took place at Mulwala and was hotly contested right to the bell. Large fish were the order of the day with some big specimens being pulled from the deeper water between Bundalong and Majors Creek.

Chris Bird landed a 99.5cm beauty to win the round but the series went to Dan Power by 14 points from Dave Silva.

Dan teamed up with Dave Sheldon to win overall champion team from Dave and Gaye Silva.

Dave and Gaye have been Mulwala regulars for many years but have now taken on a business in the Northern Territory. I’m sure everyone who has come in contact with Dave and Gaye wishes them the best.

Our store, Lake Mulwala Fish Camp & Ski, has now been open for one year. The support we have been shown is amazing and we thank you for this.

Wayne Palmer, of Cranbourne, used some newfound skills to catch and release this mighty 110cm cod.

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