
Take a minute to visit Stanage
  |  First Published: October 2015

Each year Stanage has wonderful fishing visitors and this past month hasn’t been any different with the weather turning it on for these willing fishers. I’m glad to see and hear that some are taking my advice and using Stanage as a home base to camp overnight near the islands or on the islands to allow them the longest time to fish and to catch both tide changes. 

The mixed reef consists of species such as; grass sweetlip, nannygai, coral trout, Spanish mackerel, mulloway, parrot, red emperor, and cod – and Shield, Alwick, Allendale, Otterbourne, Table Rock, Hexham, Steep, and Low Rock can all turn it on in their own time – it’s up to you to work out the time and tides. A little hint - the secret spots are all within a ‘cooee’ of each other.  Each island or rock fishes at different times for the many popular species caught up here. Local reports indicate good fishing with locals Neil and Kezza weighing in a beaut 55lb mulloway.

The Stanage Coastguard runs a free tow for the smart boaties who join. The fees are $66 a year and $132 per year - cheap insurance. Remember to log in and out at the boat ramp, on vhf channel 81.

The Estuary and Thirsty Sound, have recently seen a good share of big silver and black bream this week. The Pacific Oasis, a great communal form of accommodationwith a mixed crew and assorted sizes of boats have had a great time recently. A family staying at the Pacific Villa, found some excellent fish and some of their photos from successful outings have been shared on the website and to Facebook. A big shout out and well done to the council road workers who are still slogging away at Stanage Road which was recently graded nicely to the Shoalwater Bay army turnoff.

If you’ve ever wondered about the history of Stanage, wonder no more, with the History in Short for Stanage available for purchase at our store. Written by kind locals willing to share their knowledge, the publication has imperative information on the area and will help you greatly. Our shop can also supply you with tide guides, charts, books, and do mail outs. 

If your need anymore information on the area, be it accommodation, fishing, crabbing or the road, give me a call at Stanage Bay Marine & Accommodation 49373145 or call into the tackle shop at the back of the boat storage yard.

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