
Fortune favours the brave…
  |  First Published: November 2010

The weather lately has been a bit up and down and we have had to contend with fairly strong currents offshore. Nevertheless, if you can put up with the conditions, the fishing has been great.


Strong currents have seen us doing most of our fishing on our close reefs. Good catches of snapper, pearl perch and some great parrot have kept us out of trouble.

I'm not sure that it has been as good a snapper season as last year, no doubt a result of a different weather pattern. We have had to deal with current against wind on a lot of the trips I have done.

In a typical season we will have currents heading south, which is normal; this winter and spring we have seen mostly southerly winds. This is not ideal, especially when trying to use floaters and soft plastics that do most of the snapper trapping. Nevertheless, we have still brought home some great catches of snapper, it’s just that the fishing is a bit more hit and miss.

Other species that kept our tally ticking over were plenty of Moses perch, cobia, cod and the odd mahi mahi.


Tailor have been in good numbers along the beach, and they are also of good size, up to 4kg. Lures and blue pilchards are working well.

There are plenty of dart along the entire beach but, unlike the tailor, they are only of average size.

Whiting have become more active and some good hauls have come from the Inskip Point area. Sand worms are doing the trick, but I am told live mangrove worms are doubling catches and size.


Whiting are also in good numbers in the Straits; some beauties have come from the end of Fraser Island near where the barges drop off. There are also some good flathead in the same area.

I have had reports of school and spotted mackerel being caught in the Sandy Straits too, but it is very early for them to be making an appearance. It has certainly been a different season, that is for sure!

November last year saw a good run of big snapper in close. Fingers crossed we will not be disappointed this year.

It will be interesting to see what will happen this month, particularly with the reports of early mackerel.

To enjoy a day on the water with Keely Rose Fishing Charters phone 0754 863 150 or 0407 146 151 or visit www.keelyrosefishingcharters.com.au.

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