
Surprising results
  |  First Published: July 2004

THE LAKE MacDonald stocking group had another bash at the dam in May, with some surprising results. Lots of small bass from 15cm up to just legal size were caught, mainly on the troll. The main basin is producing plenty of these little fellows as winter settles on the lake and water temperatures drop. Occasional larger specimens are being taken on the creek bed, out along the bubbler and in Bass Bay.

Those tossing lures about the place have been catching the bigger fish with green Borers and Rev Heads doing plenty of damage. Bibless rattlers have also been a good option along the weed faces as Ryan Murnane found out in early June. Ryan and his mates cast these sinking lures for half a dozen bass, all around 45cm.

John Cutmore pulled a cod out of the main basin which was duly tagged and released, also in early June. This fish measured 59cm and took a liking to a trolled Borer Extra Deep in gold chrome. John is now hoping to catch one of the bigger specimens that we all know are there but which are very difficult to land. When he does hook a serious cod I only hope I’m nearby to watch the chaos as his canoe is towed all over the place! Remember that all Mary River cod are protected in this area and must be released immediately.

Of concern is an outbreak of red spot disease up at Borumba and the associated fish kills. Hopefully this will be short-lived, as well-known Borumba resident John Rowe reports that some big bass up to 60cm have been found dead. Also alarming is the incidence of fin rot noted in bass at MacDonald. The cause is unknown at this stage but the fish seem largely unconcerned and are still belting lures.

Don’t forget Round 11 of the BASS Electric series to be held on July 25 at Lake MacDonald. As usual, waterfront accommodation will be available at a nominal fee along with meals. For more information phone Mark Pertot during business hours on (07) 5449 8099.

1) John Cutmore with a fine Mary River cod caught in Lake MacDonald on an extra deep Borer lure.

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