
The Fishing Party
  |  First Published: May 2004

IT’S NO surprise that a political fishing party is rising from the masses after the hammering recreational fishers copped from politicians over the last 12 months. The grey nurse debacle and the raw deal fishos got in the RAP are just two examples of government refusal to take any notice of the recreational fishing viewpoint, and this has lead to the rapid rise of The Fishing Party.

The Fishing Party was officially registered as a political party in NSW in 2000 and has now formed a Qld branch with a 10 member executive. The Fishing Party already has the 500 registered members to be officially recognized as a political party, and the Qld branch can stand candidates under this registration at the next federal senate elections. It is hoped to have a minimum membership base of 2000 in Queensland and to stand two candidates for Senate seats. This strategy is seen by the executive to be the best way of getting a voice in politics. It would require only about 7% of the vote in Queensland to get a candidate elected to the Senate. If that can’t be achieved, recreational anglers need to crawl back into their hole and take whatever is dished up to them by the Green-driven agenda of the major political parties.


The national executive has decided to stick to the policy of being a one-issue party – unlike the Greens, who are now issuing polices on areas in which they have no expertise. The Fishing Party will not try to block legislation that doesn’t relate to fishing, thus allowing the Federal Government to implement its policies. The sole purpose of this party is to seek the best possible outcomes for our sport when negotiating the passage of legislation through the Senate.


The meagre cost of $22 to join the party will be used for marketing purposes only, as all positions on both the state and national executive are voluntary. If the party can achieve at least 4% of the vote at the upcoming federal elections, it will be eligible for financial support from the Australian Electoral Commission, as a political party. This money can be used to employ a paid administrator.


At the time of writing the party has 80 members and over 400 membership applications being processed, so it looks like it will be up and running in time to meet the fast approaching deadlines of the next election. The fishing grapevine is an impressive machine when it comes to getting word out about a hot bite, so anglers need to use that same network to gather interest and support for the party.


For further information about The Fishing Party contact Kevin Collins on 0414 785 462 or email him on --e-mail address hidden-- Many local tackle stores will also have application forms – and if they don't, ask them why not.

The future of your sport/lifestyle in your own hands for the first time, so don't waste this once-off opportunity. You are the future of recreational fishing, both for yourself and future generations. Act, join, or dust off the golf clubs.

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