
Dams topped up
  |  First Published: March 2004

LAKE MacDonald had topped up a bit too well with all the recent rains. Unfortunately, this could mean that some of our bigger fish may go with the flow and head down Six Mile Creek and subsequently into the Mary River. This may allow these fish to breed and bolster wild stocks, but I’d rather see them stay in the lake!

The upside is that there’s excellent fishing to be had while the weed beds are covered. Casting spinnerbaits, beetlespins and small shallow minnows over the weeds has resulted in very good catches of bass. Because they aren’t far from cover many of these bass head for the safety of the weed haven, so many fish are lost. Sometimes it’s only a matter of motoring over and pulling the fish up, while at other times it’s a macramé of line and weed which can take some sorting.

Trollers are still enjoying a good run of fish in the deeper sections of the main basin and the creek bed. Gold extra deep minnow lures seem to be having most of the wins thus far. Following the creek bed can take a bit of practice as it wanders all over the place, but it can be worth the effort as good bass patrol the depths – as do big Mary River cod. Hooking a big cod is much easier than landing a big cod from the depths. There is still plenty of structure down there and I’m here to tell you that there are plenty of lures down there too!

Borumba is also filling rapidly. Only a few months back cows were grazing in areas that are now well and truly underwater. The upper reaches have delivered a few yellows and bass but the saratoga are a bit hard to find. Small minnow lures and beetlespins seem to be the best bets if you’re chasing ‘toga. Casting these tools around the treetops will eventually pay off, particularly in the upper reaches of the Yabba and Kingham arms. Bass have also been a tad slow and will probably resume their normal feeding habits and aggressive attitudes once the rain slows and things settle somewhat.

1) A big yellow taken on the troll by Mario Bellantoni. The lure is a purple/chrome Voodoo.

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