
I can see clearly now
  |  First Published: May 2005

Finally there seems to be light at the end of the lure-fishing tunnel on the Murray.

The water is slowly clearing and anglers doing the hard yards are starting to reap the benefits of persistent timber-bashing.

While there haven’t been many, a few reports of cod to 30kg have begun to filter through. If water clarity continues to improve, the momentum of big-fish captures will increase over the coming months.

The bait fishing around Robinvale has been a little slow but farther upstream at Boundary Bend, some good catches have been reported.

One party landed over 40 cod in a three-day trip. Most of the fish landed made the 50cm legal size with an upper range of 65cm.

Grubs and cheese proved to be the best baits.

On the Walkool, bait anglers are still doing well with good numbers of cod being reported by most. While the size range varies, most parties are landing a few for the table.

Grubs, cheese and yabbies have been the pick of the baits. At this time of year, the grubs have turned and are ready to hatch and fly.

Unless you have a ready supply in the freezer, I suggest you bring along an alternative back-up; perhaps an extra block of cheese will do the job.

Lake Charm, near Swan Hill, continues to supply a good run of redfin. While shrimp has been the best bait, soft plastics are beginning to prove their worth. One angler using a berley concoction made of crushed yabbies and left-over worms had a field day casting lightly weighted Atomic Baby Craws into the berley trail. He took a nice haul of fish to 1.3kg, reward enough for some innovative thinking. If the weather remains warm, this destination is worth a look over the coming month.

Overall, things look good for May. In past seasons, this has been a good period for monster cod and if the water continues to clear I see no reason this season will not follow suit.

If you intend a trip up this way, fish the pool water with deep-diving lures. AC Invaders, 150mm Codseekers and Predatek Boomerangs are my lures of choice for this time of the year.

The Murray River near Wentworth produces some very big cod. This 30kg specimen was taken on a Bassman spinnerbait. It’s just moments from being released.

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