
Queen cods on offer
  |  First Published: December 2015

With the water continuing to heat up, fishing Lake Burrendong has pescatorial rewards aplenty, and with the end of the cod season, the gloves are off to hunt down the Queen of the basin.

A number of Cod have been caught during the closed season, with not a real lot of size among them. One exceptional monster was caught and released by Mark Rich off the Federal Hotel fishing club in Wellington. This fish was caught on a static line with a yabby off the bank.

Yellowbelly are continuing to fire up. A combination of soft plastics and yabbies around structure should tempt even the fussiest of eaters and the yellows have been giving themselves up easily. Even the author (self nominated worst fisherman in the world), landed four yellows at Eagle Beagle around the 40cm mark off the bank with worms and yabbies.

Although not many have been caught of late, the captured redfin have been of quality with fish landed around the 30-35cm range reported. The first signs of redfin schooling have been reported around Oakey Creek and on the straight near Mookerawa – good signs that they are about to fire.

Recent storms have put a small amount of water back into the Lake, which is great news. However, this has brought down a lot of mud as well.

This issue is mainly confined to the Macquarie arm of the Lake with clarity around the basin and Cudgegong arms still looking good.

For all of your accommodation and camping needs whilst staying on the lake, you can contact Lake Burrendong on 6846 7435.

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