
Rug up and have a go
  |  First Published: August 2014


With the nearby mountains now covered in snow and the wind making things very uncomfortable, make sure that if you are going to brave the cooler conditions that you dress appropriately and if you are on the water that you do so safely.

Fishing reports have been few and far between recently, as the bout of very cold weather has kept people understandingly in the comfort of somewhere warm. However it is good to hear that a few people have taken the time to venture out during the breaks in the weather and have found the fish more than willing to cooperate.

Trout are definitely the main targets now and throughout August. They will continue to forage the wind swept shorelines in search of food and if the pictures that I have seen are any example, the fish have well and truly put on some good condition.

Shore based anglers should seek out these areas and target the fish with lightly weighted scrub worm baits or the ever reliable yabbie. Although these areas will be more uncomfortable to fish, because of the wind, remember the wind is also concentrating the food and bringing the fish to you.

Flat line trolling Tassie devils is a deadly method at this time of the year. Pink lures have been and are the stand out. Although many fish are being caught using this method, lures trolled behind lead core lines in slightly deeper water will also get you a few fish. I also know plenty of people who swear that a scrub worm trolled behind cowbells is the only way to go at this time of the year? Good areas to give this a try are Goughs Bay and up the Delatite Arm.

Targeting redfin or native fish in the lake at this time of the year is all about doing things slowly. The fish naturally slow down with the colder water, so a slow, in your face, presentation will give you the best chance of success. A number of reports have come in about people simply dangling a scrub worm behind their kayak as they drift and paddle around has brought nice plate sized golden perch undone. The boat ramp at Kennedys Point has been a popular spot to do this. As mentioned last month redfin numbers and quality tends to drop off at this time of the year. Although this is happening, the quality of the fish being caught has tended to be on the better side of good and the condition of the fish outstanding.

Stay warm and don’t forget to come and visit the Bonnie Doon end of Lake Eildon.

• Caveat from last month PLEASEFBSJFKLAGVHJA G – FMG

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