
Worst beach erosion in years
  |  First Published: October 2012

What a season we have experienced on the Mid North Coast! The beaches have been eroded, in some places, more than I have seen in over 50 years.

Up the northern end of Crowdy Beach trees 4m-5m tall are about to topple into the ocean.

The beaches are narrow and allow the waves at high tide to smash against the vertical walls of sand at the back of the beach.

It does not take much of this treatment to remove many metres of sand.

As well, the beaches lack any formation and a wide gutter runs the full length of the beach.

However, it looks like we will get some north easterly winds in the next couple of weeks and these will help form up the beaches and provide some whitewater cover for the tailor and school jew.


The Manning is in pretty good nick at the present time and good catches are being made along the full length of the salt part of the river.

In the lower reaches the bream have just spawned. When the fish were schooled up anglers could fish 100m of the wall and not get a bream bite and then lob a bait in a school and land five or six fish one after another.

Luderick have been on the bite in the lower parts of the river, taking weed and yabbies. Most of these fish are 6006g-700g.

Further upstream, school jew have been taking live bait and soft plastics fished on slack water.

The bass have started to move up river from the salt water and there are many more still to leave the salty part of the Manning.


Some nice-sized tailor have been moving along the beaches but lack of good formations makes it very hard to find the fish. It is a matter of fishing a number of spots along the beach until the tailor are found.

Some good bream have been landed from the southern end of Crowdy Beach on crabs and mullet pieces.

Drummer are biting well from the rocks and the end of the seawall. Cunjevoi, prawns and bread are the best baits for them.


Despite often unfavourable conditions, anglers have brought in some decent catches. Snapper to 5kg have been taken from the northern grounds as well as some trag to 3.5kg.

Leatherjackets have arrived but not in plague numbers.

After hearing of heaps of fish to the south we are waiting for the bonito to arrive here.

October is traditionally the time when bigger jewfish are caught. The end of the seawall and the rocks at Crowdy Head and Diamond Head are places where a live bait or a fresh slab could result in a hook-up on a big fish.

In the river the big flathead will be coming downstream to around Cattai Creek, on their way to the mouth of the river to spawn.

The beaches are narrow and allow the waves at high tide to smash against the vertical walls of sand at the back of the beach.

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