
20 carp to every golden
  |  First Published: September 2011

Fishing along the Murray River in the Robinvale area has changed little since the last report. The river continues to remain high with good flows holding just inside the banks.

A few golden perch have been caught on scrub worms fished in the numerous pockets of backwater just off the flow line, but these have been few and far between.

For every perch you are lucky enough to land, you can expect 20 or more carp of varying sizes.

The odd catfish is also being angled on bait, with worms again the best pick.

Murray cod continue to remain elusive, with not a single reported capture over the past month. It seems everyone is holding their breath waiting for a sign that there just might be a few of these iconic fish left in our local waters.

Perhaps the warmth of Spring and the promise of big flows might shuffle a few fish between locks. Cod knows, we could do with a few newies in our area.

On a brighter note, for those who like a feed of yabbies, the Darling River has continued to produce bucketloads, even in the dead of Winter.

Anglers from near and far are travelling upstream of Wentworth towards Pooncarie and beyond to feast on these tasty crustaceans.

Like all good bush yarns, there’s one in which the bottom of the river is said to be a metre deep with giant yabbies. How they come to this conclusion is anyone’s guess but it would be a brave soul indeed to wade out and do the measuring!


With the promise of warmer days just around the corner, anglers are abuzz at the prospect of catching a few golden perch and redfin in the Kerang Lakes.

While the lakes have provided anglers a trickle of captures throughout Winter, they are expected to really fire once the weather warms.

This fishery exploded to life last season with some very good catches on bait and lures, with redfin of more than a kilo and one perch reportedly weighing more than 11kg.

Blades ruled supreme in the lakes, followed by small hardbodies and bait.

Cod have also been stocked in these lakes, with at least one confirmed capture of a metre-long fish and several others around 70cm.

Over the next few seasons this unique fishery will no doubt start to share some of its secrets.

You know what they say, as one door closes another usually opens. Perhaps the Kerang Lake system might help suppress the anxieties of many Murray River regulars. I guess only time will tell.

Fingers crossed that next month we catch a few more fish in our local waters. If nothing else, at least the weather will be a little warmer.

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