
Winter Winds
  |  First Published: June 2009

Now winter is well and truly with us the winds will come from the west, not the best for most forms of fishing, however there is options.

Estuaries are generally not the best option, although even though there are strong winds, there will be lulls. When this occurs it is the best chance for anglers to target estuary perch in the Bega river system.

These fish will congregate around most of the rock walls around Thompsons, towards the river mouth and around the bridge pylons. At this stage the system is still closed to the ocean, which means you have to work for your fish. There are some black bream also responding to lures but a lot of work is needed to gain a strike. Due to the river being closed to the ocean flathead have become land locked and will often give anglers a nice surprise.

Beaches are great fun at this time of year, as with the westerly winds calm conditions prevail along the coast. This is a great time to walk the beaches surrounding Tathra and toss a lure or two into the many gutters that have been formed. Salmon are the most likely species to be encountered, however expect plenty of tailor and the odd jewfish. With the use of some fish burley (mainly tuna) bream and mullet may make for some interesting fishing.

Tathra Wharf is a place to focus on, with cooler water temps around, the trevally have moved in. These fish are providing plenty of action for young and old, as well as some lovely fresh fish for the table. There is plenty of yellowtail, the odd mackerel, a few garfish and of a night squid are appearing.

This is a great time to fish the rocks with the winds blowing from the west the calm conditions allow for a variety of angling. My favourite by far is chasing drummer, this is best done early morning or late afternoon with the best areas being from the north eastern point adjacent to the wharf right round to Kianinny boat ramp. There is plenty of structure there and you can spend days along these rock platforms without fishing it all. Trevally, silver drummer, jackets and wrasse will all be part of the by catch whilst pig fishing, providing plenty of entertainment.

With these calm conditions, pelagics patrol very close to shore, often anglers are best casting along the rock shore line rather than straight out. Salmon are the main target. Once a school is located, every lure presented is likely to be seized upon which often may last for an hour or two. These fish plus some others are easily accessed from the ocean by boat.

This is great light tackle fishing which can be done in many forms - from trolling, jigging or casting. Expect other species as well, for there are some nice winter kingies patrolling the coastal shore line. Bonito may be another added bonus.

Jigging the inshore reefs close to shore with soft plastics or small metal jigs often can create some very rewarding fishing. The variety of species captured in this manner is as varied as the lures themselves. Snapper are a short list specialty only too willing to attack a well presented lure, while other species like flathead, sergeant baker cods, wrasse or a host of varying predators are only too willing to eat to a well presented imitation.

The best areas to achieve this style of angling is to the north around Goalen Head, Nelsons Headland or south around White Rock where it doesn’t matter if you drift or anchor, either way it sure is a lot of fun.

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