
Purrumbete Browns to 2kg
  |  First Published: July 2005

How lucky we are down this neck of the woods. The western lakes are in the best shape of any in the state. I know that Modewarre and Murdeduke are suffering but when I’m doing my Friday afternoon and Saturday morning shift at Nicholson’s Sports Store in Colac, it never ceases to amaze me just how many boats head west every weekend.

Drysdale Sportfishing Club had their monthly competition on Lake Purrumbete on the weekend of the 4th and 5th of June. The eels were very keen on baits meant for salmon. Only one small brown trout was taken on a fluoro green Tassie Devil. Gavan Moloney casting from a boat on the western bank caught it.

Ray Stratton managed a nice salmon of around 800g and Neil Slater caught a single small redfin on a downrigger at 50ft.

Reports in from the locals had a few browns just under 2kg taken on mudeye as well as a lot of reddies jigged up from deep water. The redfin were between 400g and 600g and taking Baltic bobbers.

There was some good surface activity with fish smelting amongst the weed early in the morning over near the southeast bank.

As we slip into winter, Lake Purrumbete is now taking a rest from the boat traffic but don’t let that put you off. Flyfishers caught some monster browns during this period last year and bait anglers can still expect plenty of action at Hose’s Rocks, Shag Rocks and Rainbow Point. The reliable old method of mudeyes under a float is still as good as any at this time of the year. If you’re looking for an excellent mudeye hook then you can’t go past Captain Hamilton in sizes 10-12.

Bullen Merri’s trout and salmon will continue to feed closer to the top in winter making lure trolling a great proposition. Bank anglers who put in the long hours at night will also be rewarded with some excellent fish. The best method during the night seems to be local bullheads fished under a float.

Lake Elingamite fired at the start of winter and although water levels were low, small boats can still be launched. This lake holds good stocks of brown trout and, because of its proximity to Camperdown, it can be a good standby for Purrumbete or Bullen Merri. With abundant weed beds a feature of Elingamite, mudeyes are a standout bait. Redfin are also in good numbers and can make a tasty by-catch.

Although local rivers are closed at the moment, I’d like to mention that Graham Ferns captured a 3.4kg brown trout in the Gellibrand River on a lure in late May. This river is known for the odd trophy fish but usually in its lower reaches. Graham’s big fish was taken at Black’s Bridge, just above Carlisle.

Last but not least, Wurdiboluc Reservoir starts to receive water from the West Barwon channel at this time of year. Now is usually a good time to fish the freshly covered ground along the southern end for both browns and rainbows.

Thanks to Scott Gray for the fill-in June report. Perhaps I’ll catch up with him flogging a ‘troll’ fly somewhere during the winter.

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