
Trio of Sharks Offshore
  |  First Published: July 2005

Having just returned for our annual stint at Portland my report this month has been compiled from information gathered from other charter skippers who have enjoyed good fishing. As for our efforts and rewards down in sunny Portland (well for 2 weeks anyway) see Chris Hall’s Portland report.

Sharks have continued in reasonable numbers with mako and blue sharks accounting for most captures along with seven-gill sharks making regular appearances for those fishing dead baits deep on heavier ground.

Pinkie snapper have been abundant on the reefs and a little wider along the west coast; the average size is 750g, with some specimens up to 2kg. These snapper will be available right through winter although numbers will fall somewhat.

It’s at this time of year when most of the charter boats that continue to operate through the coldest months will turn their efforts to berleying over shallower reefs for sweep, long fin pike, zebra fish and leatherjacket. Australian salmon can be found in close to surf beaches such as Point Lonsdale, 13th Beach and Bancoora. Although not as numerous as during the rest of the year, the size of these scrappers should make for some great sporting action.

The deeper reefs beyond the 50m line will hold jackass morwong, nannygai and occasionally bigger snapper. Over the full moon phases gummy sharks will be active on their usual grounds.

Shark fishing is still an option for those willing to put in the long wait. Blue sharks will make up most of the catches but anglers will need to get well offshore. The odd thresher will be found in closer to shore.

The return of the big snapper will begin in August with the first captures being made offshore on the west coast. We took our first catch of large snapper offshore on the 1st of August last season so it’s not too long to wait for these beauties to entertain anglers. Keep warm and keep safe.

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