
Keepit is flavour of the month
  |  First Published: May 2006

Lake Keepit seems to be the dam of the month around Tamworth. Most reports coming back to Dad’s shop have been of reasonable cod and golden perch being caught by trolling deep-diving lures as slowly as possible.

Along with the big ones, as usual there have been many small fish caught and released and, sadly, plenty of small ones kept.

When someone asks me what types of lures I like to use and what techniques I prefer I never hesitate to name a few of my favourites, including Bassman spinnerbaits, Strike Pro lures, lipless crankbaits and the new strike pro deep divers. Whenever I go out targeting cod and yellowbelly I always make sure my tackle box is well stocked with these lures because I always have success on at least one of them.

My outfit of choice in this type of situation would have to be the 4kg Tex Lumina Live Fibre rod from Wilson with a TiCA overhead reel, a strong, reliable combo that has not let me down.

My only concern with fishing the dams lately has been a lack of compliance with bag and size limits. Because we have been experiencing the drought for many years, obviously this is affecting the levels of the water and the numbers of fish.

I have noticed that some people have been taking no notice of bag and size limits and keeping whatever they catch, no matter what size or how many. It’s an absolute joke and it disgusts me. Any angler knows there are limits which haven’t just been put into place for the fun of it. They are there for good reason and everyone should adhere to these laws.

I am just hoping that one day these people are caught and have to pay the fine and then maybe they will take notice of the law.

I can’t stress how important it is to adhere to the bag and size limits and to practise catch and release to conserve our fish for future generations, especially in draught-affected areas.

I believe most anglers follow these rules and I’m hoping that the few who don’t start thinking about the consequences of their actions.

This Murray cod ate a trolled StumpJumper.

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