
Top game season
  |  First Published: April 2006

Game fishing off Eden is in full swing with school yellowfin, striped tuna and striped marlin being caught, with the continental shelf and beyond the focus of the action.

Anglers have been having great sport casting small metal lures on light tackle into the school yellowfin for heaps of fish around 3kg. All the usual methods, including trolling lures and live baits and switch-baiting, have been raising striped marlin.

Let’s hope the season carries through to something the South Coast used to be famous for – catching big yellowfin, from 70kg to 90kg, on cubes laid out a berley trail. It hasn’t happened for years but it used to be as good as it gets. In good times 90 fathoms was as far as you had to travel to get premium yellowfin action.

Yellowtail kingfish are still being caught around Mowarrie Point with the amount of action depending on the current – one day the fish will be on the bite, the next they’ll shut down.

On the inshore grounds there have been plenty of sand flathead and tiger flathead with leatherjackets, mowies and snapper still present over the reefs.

Beach fishing for tailor, salmon, bream and whiting has been good with the salmon and tailor taking pilchards and metal lures, while prawns and beach worms have been tempting the bream and whiting.

Around the rocky headlands anglers have been catching everything from kingfish to salmon and the odd snapper. Green Cape has been the pick spot.

The Kiah river has been providing consistent catches of yellowfin bream and the odd flathead.

Let’s hope Easter provides a run of jewfish, it’s been a quiet season along the whole Far South Coast for this species. However, Easter has always been a good time for the bigger fish to turn up.

Wonboyn Lake has had some big tailor but getting 4kg tailor from the oyster leases is never easy and the inevitable sad story is often on the cards. It would be great to do battle with one of these fish in open water.

Yellowfin bream, flathead, whiting and black bream have been caught in good numbers. The whiting and bream have been taking live prawns and squirt worms while live mullet have worked well on the flathead.

Soft plastics have been doing well on the bream and flathead and some days surface poppers have outfished everything for bream, whiting and flathead in shallow water. Some days, whiting and flathead catches have outnumbered the bream. As long as prawns are present, poppers will work.

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