
Cod anglers waiting with baited breath
  |  First Published: May 2017

As the chilly mornings and cool evenings are becoming more frequent leading into the winter months larger Murray cod specimens should be on the prowl for a decent feed.

As the average outside temperature continues to drop this will also decrease the water temperature of the river enticing the larger Murray cod that are left to move about and hit the odd lure cast or trolled past their face, increasing the numbers of encounters and happy fishers.

Although it’s not as easy as it sounds, a lot of hard work will still need to be put in to reap the rewards. The cooler water temperatures should help the lure fishers out there chasing that trophy fish. There have been several encounters with solid fish after the black water event, though the quantity and sizes haven’t been anything to brag about.

Things have still been reasonably quiet recently, although hopefully this will change. Many anglers have been convinced that the larger Murray cod have really taken a massive hit due to the recent black water. This winter will show how bad they suffered as keen anglers will be still out there on the hunt for them. Hopefully more and more stories start to kick around the town about the elusive Murray cod being caught, so more anglers will be keen to tackle the cold mornings.

Despite the downs of the black water and the effects of it, anglers within the region are still having plenty of fun with smaller Murray cod and golden perch, proving that there is still reasonable water around for them to live and cope through the hard time.

Local angler James Mason has been out on the water trying to crack the code and catch a mighty Murray cod and has only had luck on several smaller specimens. This is a very good sign that the big ones can still be out there and we just need something to trigger them to hit.

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