
August cod rush
  |  First Published: August 2015

Other than December, August would have to be one of the most anticipated months for cod fishing.

It’s not because the conditions or water temperatures are great, it’s because everyone wants to target the mighty fish one last time before the close of the season.

The past 2 months, everyone has been focussing on trout, redfin and crays but the next 31 days will be cod dominated with plenty of locals planning trips both afar and around town. The introduction of massive cod lures on the market has really seen the catch rates of monster cod go up in all areas. I can see plenty of big fish being caught in the following month both around our local area and in other waterways.

All local tackle stores have a great range of cod lures so get in there quick as they sell very fast.

If you’re targeting the big fish around Shepparton try spots like behind the lake, Rafterys Rd and Medlands Rd.

All these areas hold great fish and have some very deep bends and runs where the big lures work well. Concentrate on these areas and give them a good working over with both trolling and casting lures.

If you’re not a lure fisho fresh bait work will in the same areas, just keep your bait on the move by just flicking your line or raising your rod tip. If you let your bait sit in the one spot for a long period of time expect the crayfish to take your bait.

Talking about crayfish the back end of the season was very disappointing and it’s a shame as the early signs were all good for craying around Shepparton. There had been a hand full of reports from Undera way but that’s about all.

The Broken River this time of year can be very hit and miss but if we do get a downpour of rain get out to the broken in a day or two of the rain from now until December and rise in the river normally results in a feeding frenzy of yellowbelly. You can catch a half dozen fish in quick time but make sure you fish with a friend as the banks can fall away after rain and become very slippery.

Kialla Lakes

The lakes are still very quiet. There have been a couple of reports of redfin and carp being caught around the willows near the playground at Lake 1. Other than that, there is no real news out of the lakes and hopefully that changes in coming months.

If you have a kayak or canoe target the island in Lake 1. It holds plenty of fish but it’s just not easy to get them to bite.

Shepparton Lake

The rainbows are starting to move in the lake with a few being caught on PowerBait. Given the time they have been in there they are still fairly quiet so within the next few weeks there should be a greater chance for those targeting them.

Over the next 2 months the fish numbers in the lake are going to increase, which is a great sign for all local fishos. The reports are that hundreds of trout will be released and have time to settle in before the next school holidays, this again is our license fees at work and hopefully the fishing will be great just in time for the warmer conditions.

Just remember, these fish seem to be a tad more fragile in the lake so if releasing them makes sure you do so very quickly as they seem to sulk and stress a lot once hooked.

As for those looking to chase the trout, the same methods have consistently been working, that is floating fresh or artificial baits around the weed edges. Or, if you’re a lure fisho, casting or trolling small diving lures, spinners or blades.

Local Channels

The channel system will fill back up again in mid to late august and after 2 months of no fishing due to the chemical attack on the weeds we are going in blind.

I will be targeting any type of structure in the coming months in hope of landing a big red or even a yellowbelly. With the outside temperatures hopefully on the rise don’t be surprised if you land a few good yellowbelly and that can make for some great work on light gear.

Bait fishos fresh worms or PowerBait blocks will work well but expect a few carp to jump on the hook. Those using lures take a full range of small medium divers, small blades and plenty of different coloured plastics. It may take time but once you nut out what the fish are taking you will have a ball.

Waranga Basin

Over the past 2 months the Waranga Basin has fished very well and it’s my favourite time of the year to attack the Basin.

There have been countless reports of good-sized redfin and also strangely enough, big yellowbelly. I also had one report of two large brown trout being landed around the wall area trolling small deep diving lures.

Pink and gold seem to be the best colours of late and that’s no surprise. If you’re into casting plastics amongst the schools the ‘drop bear’ colour squidgy paddle-tails in the 80-100mm size works very well. Just use a slow rolling technique and add a few flicks and pauses along the way.

In August we should see the temperatures starting to rise but this is also the time where we see the wind pick up towards September. This month I would continue to target the redfin with lures as you can follow the schools around more that when you bait fish.

Craigmuir Lake

The lake is now starting to pick up with good reports of redfin being caught around the 40cm mark mostly on small blades or jackals. The best way to fish the lake is in a kayak or canoe but if you don’t have one big long cast are needed to lure in the bigger fish. Bait fishing has not been as successful of late but once you can get some live shrimp it should pick up.

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