
Just a great time for fishing
  |  First Published: August 2015

This fishing year has been great, with water temperatures high and staying high, producing some excellent angling. This is set to continue, with the reef fishing the best at present.

On leaving the boat ramp and turning south, the coastline is rocky for quite a few kilometres, allowing access to the many reefs only a short distance out. If visiting the area and you wish to find out the better spots to fish on these reefs, simply cruise over them with the sounder on, looking for the pinnacles and structure that should have fish showing. Once located, simply drift over them to see what sort of results you get. If this method produces for you, repeat the drift while that spot is still fishing, then move on looking for a similar 1 and repeat the process.

In the opposite direction travelling north, the coastline changes somewhat, with rocky headlands, bays and long sections of sand beaches in between. Out from these points, anglers can use the same system as down south, sounding out the better spots. All these areas are producing a mixed bag of snapper, morwong, ocean perch, pigfish and the ever-present leatherjackets.

Out from the beaches is also producing plenty of action on the flathead front, with both tigers and sandies being taken consistently. There has also been good numbers of gummy sharks, as well as red gurnard, caught in the area.

Not only are these inshore grounds producing well, the deep reefs the locals are fishing on a more regular basis are producing sizeable Tassie trumpeter and a host of other species. These are just inside the Continental Shelf, where the correct use of the sounder becomes an important item with which to fathom out your quarry. You don’t have to just stop there for now, as with modern technology and electric reels, deep water fishing out in the canyons is gaining popularity for fish like hapuka, blue eye trevalla, gemfish and many cod species.

Now if offshore fishing is not your cup of tea, the other option you have to explore are areas like the Tathra Wharf. This spot always produces some action, and at present it is in the form of trevally and salmon. These species are a constant catch, along with the ever-present schools of yellowtail, the odd garfish, and quite a few luderick close to the rocks. These like a well presented piece of cabbage weed.

Weed will account for more blackfish off the rocks below the pub, where drummer are also present in good numbers. These fish also have a liking for cunjevoi and red crabs, as do the blue groper or the many wrasse that frequent there.

Salmon are constantly passing along the coastline between the Wharf and Kianinny Bay, where switched-on anglers can present a well-placed lure or bait to find plenty of surface action.

In the Bega River, anglers are awaiting spring and warmer weather for the fish to get into a more active mode. As for now they have to be enticed to strike at a lure or bait. There is quite a lot of black bream hugging the structure, where they can be polarised quite easily. You may sight several fish holding on a snag and if you place a suspending lure in the right spot with the right twitching action, you may draw a strike. It may be necessary to try several schools before a bite occurs. This method also works with estuary perch, which can be clearly seen at this time of year in the cool water. Take note and persistence will eventually pay off.

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