
HNBAA Inter-Club: Outstanding, as usual
  |  First Published: April 2007

The 2007 Hawkesbury Nepean Bass Anglers Association Inter-Club tournament lived up to its usual high standards, even if I do say so myself. But high standards of what? I hear you say.

High standards of fishing prowess? To be honest, it was hard fishing this year, no doubt due to the 100mm-plus of rain received only two weeks before and a river that looks like milky tea is always a challenge to fish.

However, some anglers managed to rise to the top (more dairy product analogies) and the winning team, the Bass Boys of Mal Dilkes and Andy Parkinson, managed a credible score in tough conditions. Andy also took out champion angler.

Kim Moller took out champion female and Ashley Arthur was champion junior. A special mention must be made of club patron John ‘Mr Bass’ Bethune, who made it out for a social fish on the first day for his first full day of fishing on the river since well before his cancer operation. John was coming second at the end of the day so, yes, he still has it!

There were quite a few small fish caught but the biggest fish at 366mm, caught by Peter Wilbow, was not really anything to write home about even for the Hawkesbury. But then every fish is a thrill and doubly so when it’s hard going.

OK, so if not the fishing, then the weather must have been great? Maybe not great. The aforementioned rain made it necessary for participants to hunt for clearer water and while the Saturday was a glorious day, the late afternoon and evening reminded us that Mother Nature is boss. The sky began to rumble around 3.30pm and by 7pm had opened and the weather gods provided a light show that put the New Year Harbour fireworks display to shame (sorry about the wet sleeping gear, Steve Prott!).

However, it just meant we all hunkered down under the shed roof and sipped our wine a bit quicker and it all blew over by 8pm and we were able to get on with the raffle.

Once again the raffle resulted in everyone getting a prize, not just the children, and the club wishes to thank all our sponsors for their very generous help in what we understand are becoming tighter and tougher times.

We hope everyone will take note of the names listed in our thank-you advertisement and remember these people are supporting us and we owe it to them to repay the loyalty.

So if it wasn’t the fishing or the weather, what high standards did the 2007 HNBAA Inter-Club reach? How about good, old-fashioned fun for fun’s sake?

The Inter-Club is a social get-together. Obviously we all know anglers can’t help themselves and always keep score but it’s about the fun getting the score, not the score itself. You only have to look at the tournament page in this august journal to see how much serious competition is out there (not that there is anything wrong with that) but if you long for the occasional laid-back, relaxed weekend with your family or your favourite fishing buddy, where your start time is determined by when you can face the sun after all that rough red the night before, then I’ll see you at the HNBAA Inter-Club on the last weekend of February, 2008.

Tony Devine



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