
Marlo mayhem
  |  First Published: November 2008

The weather has warmed up and the fishing is hot!

There are schools of bream on their spawning run, mullet and luderick are in big numbers, salmon and tailor providing plenty of sport on lures and estuary perch taking both bait and lures.

Meanwhile the surf beaches have been producing good-sized salmon, tailor, mullet and flathead. The gummy sharks have been a little quiet but soon should be along the beaches in good numbers.

Offshore fishing during the last month has been a non-event, with strong winds making it almost impossible to venture out from Cape Conran. Hopefully the winds will abate soon, allowing anglers to test the waters.

With the bream running up all the streams there has been some big fish landed. Colin Weir caught a bream of 1.62kg in the Brodribb River on sandworm below the bridge. Colin also landed a luderick of similar size in the same area.

Chris Nelson, a visitor from Berwick, landed a monster bream measuring 50cm and weighing over 2kg using sandworm near the Second Island.

The crew from IFISH were in the area not too long ago and fished the Brodribb River. They had very good results, catching and releasing lots of estuary perch on the pylons of the Brodribb Bridge using soft plastic and hardbodied lures. On the same day yours truly and a group of fishing mates managed to bag some good-sized bream, luderick and mullet on sandworm.

On one of the occasions that the weather permitted, Allan Steel and Robert Marthick ventured out off Cape Conran and were able to catch a dozen flathead. They reported that another boat managed to do better, getting a bin of 20 flathead and a good-sized gummy shark.

The surf beaches are all producing good-sized salmon and tailor, with some salmon over 3kg. The best bait is bluebait, whitebait with poppers and metal lures.

For more information about fishing around Marlo, or for supplies during your visit, drop in and see Jim in Orbost at the Orbost Angler (ph. 5154 2440).

Chris Nelson, of Berwick, with 50cm, 2.2kg bream he caught on sandworm at Second Island, Marlo.

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