
Goulburn going great guns
  |  First Published: September 2008

There were some very pleasing results for anglers fishing the Goulburn during late winter. The crayfishing was exceptional and the Murray cod also made a welcome return after being a little quiet.

The Goulburn River between the Mitchelton Winery Bridge and Chinamans Bridge at Nagambie has been the best.

In September the Murray cod season will close but the trout season will open on September 6. Many keen trout anglers will be eagerly awaiting the open season so they can get back to doing what they love most. When it comes to trout fishing the Goulburn River and its tributaries are amongst the best in the state.

Goulburn River

The Goulburn River between Lake Eildon Pondage and Seymour is arguably one of the most popular streams for Melbourne-based anglers. It is easily reached without the need to travel for hours and offers a variety of fishing.

Because of irrigation requirements the Goulburn has water even during the warmer months when many other streams are very low or have no water at all. With its combination of deep pools running into stretches of shallow, rocky runs, it provides all anglers the opportunity to catch a fish, whether they prefer bait, fly or lure.

Rubicon River

The Rubicon is another popular trout stream that I have fished on many occasions. It has reasonably good access around the town of Thornton and provides plenty of sport, with fish of 250-500g the most common, along with some bigger specimens to 2kg.

As you get into the middle and lower reaches the river changes a little and the fish can often be a little bigger. However, some of this stretch does flow through private land. Don’t be afraid to ask permission, as a friendly request will often be met with just as friendly a response. The little bit of time and effort it takes could be well worthwhile.

Murrindindi River

The Murrindindi River is another underestimated trout stream. It is not one that I have fished a lot myself, but I have regular contact with anglers who do. Access to the river is not easy as much of it runs through private property, although there are some bridges that offer access.

King Parrot Creek

King Parrot Creek is another of the Goulburn tributaries that doesn’t get the attention it probably deserves. This is probably because it is not a prolific producer of big trout. However, it does offer some very good fishing. A scrubworm drifted downstream will usually be taken without too much hesitation, as will a well-presented fly, especially in the lower reaches. There are also some good camping areas.

The Goulburn River system covers a huge area. It includes many more streams than the ones I have mentioned. I have fished most of them at some time. Take the time to get yourself a good map and explore this system fully. If, like me, you are a keen trout fisher, you won’t be disappointed.

Shane and Courtney Brown caught these trout in the Goulburn River near Thornton last season. They and many other trout anglers will be back in action come September 6.

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