
Happy days ahead!
  |  First Published: August 2008

Here in Marlo the weather is cold and the fishing conditions are difficult to say the least. At this time of the year the fishing slows down a tad, but with winter now nearly done and dusted, the days will gradually get longer and the fishing will improve.

The Snowy and Brodribb rivers have seen catches of luderick, mullet and estuary perch, with a few bream as well. The surf beaches are producing plenty of salmon, tailor and flathead. Offshore is still fishing well when weather permits, with plenty of flathead, gurnard and gummy shark coming aboard.

As we approach August the bream seem to gather in the lakes, changing their eating habits and beginning to take our local shell. On their last couple of outings local anglers, Tony Munday and Paul Lavell, caught 10 and 14 between them using shell. The bream ranged from 30-40cm and were all in tip top condition. Tony and Paul fish after work and on the last occasion they collected their bait, caught their 14 bream and were back to their car by 7pm – that is good hooking!

Sport Webb fished with son Jess at the Slips, where Jess landed a bream of over 1kg using sandworm as bait. Russell and Richard Crofts have been getting good bags of big luderick and mullet fishing the mud bank with sandworm.

Point Ricardo has seen anglers catching good bags of salmon and tailor using bluebait and whitebait, as well as poppers and surf grubs. Lures are also working well in the surf.

Daniel McKay, fishing with a new rod and reel purchased from yours truly, caught a 65cm salmon. Corringle Beach is also firing. Don and Dot Trelor have been getting good-sized salmon using bluebait and poppers. On one outing they caught 16 in an hour!

Offshore the flathead are still about in good numbers. Allan Steel and Bob Marthick caught a bin of 40 flathead and some gurnard, using bluebait. On another occasion they caught three gummy sharks and 20 flathead.

For more information about fishing around Marlo, or for supplies during your visit, drop in and see Jim in Orbost at the Orbost Angler (ph. 5154 2440).

The surf is a good option around Marlo at the moment. Daniel McKay caught this 65cm salmon on a brand new rod that he purchased at the Orbost Angler.

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