
Tuna take a rain check
  |  First Published: August 2008

Throughout July a lot of us were still on the hunt for southern bluefin tuna. They have proved hard to locate and even harder to hook-up, showing themselves to be very finicky at this time of year. Most anglers have had enough of these fish – and the often-inclement weather – and have turned their attentions to other species. But what a great tuna season Portland had again and here’s hoping that next year will prove to be just as good, if not better.

When the weather allows, keen anglers can still get a feed of fresh fish. There are any amount of large flathead, coral perch, snapper, morwong and blue queen morwong available from 60m of water off Cape Nelson lighthouse, for those venturing around the back.

Over on the North Shore, good catches of gummy and school sharks have been made by both boaties and surf anglers. Steve Atkinson landed a nice gummy shark of 23kg and a school shark of 22kg on his last outing. Gary Fillipano also got in on the act with a fantastic gummy shark of 24.5kg.

For those braving the weather, the Lee Breakwater has picked up from previous months with snapper, gummy shark, whiting and flathead coming off this great fishing platform. One lucky angler caught a good-sized 3kg snapper, while another angler caught an 8kg gummy shark.

Some fishers are having luck with mullet in the canal opposite the gardens, while off the trawler wharf and the marina mullet, pinkies and whiting have also been caught.

A few anglers are starting to fish for black bream in the Fitzroy and Surrey rivers, along with other traditional fishing spots such as the Glenelg River. There is always a chance of catching a mulloway from these locations, too.

If you’re thinking of heading down this way, give the boys at Portland Bait & Tackle a call on 03 5523 5213.We are open 7 days a week from 7.30am to 6.30pm (winter hours). Drop in for all the latest fishing information. The website for fishing updates is www.wildblue.com.au .

Reads: 1683

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