
28th annual Lions Charity Greenback fishing competition
  |  First Published: August 2012

Despite poor conditions, over 500 competitors signed up for the 28th annual Lions Charity Greenback fishing competition.

There were plenty of fish caught and were auctioned off to raise money for charity. Those that didn't have any luck catching a fish could buy some.

Steve Curnow from Tweed Heads, caught the heaviest tailor weighing in at 2.773kg. Steve won $1500 cash and $500 worth of electrical goods sponsored by Cabarita Beach Hotel and Rory Curtis Good Guys. The second heaviest tailor was caught by Bryan Layton who won $1000 in cash sponsored by J and K Fowler Builders and $500 in electrical goods from Rory Curtis Good Guys.

There were 45 lucky competitor draws, including the main prize of the Stresco Boat and Yamaha motor valued at over $6000. The boat was won by a very lucky lady, Leley Middleton from Cabarita.

A very big thank you from Cabarita Beach Pottsville Beach Lions Club to the volunteers from the Cabarita Beach Surf Lifesaving Club, Tweed District Volunteer Rescue, Bogangar and Pottsville Public school and members of the public, who assisted us in running the competition. We would also like to thank our valued sponsors, without whose support we could not hold the annual charity fishing competition. We do not have any paid volunteers or organisers and all money raised is given to our nominated charities.

Thanks most of all to competitors. We are looking forward to fine weather for the 2013 event, which will once again be held on the June long weekend.

Please contact Lions President Vicky Hansen or Lion John Harden on 02 6676 2727 or --e-mail address hidden-- for further information.

CategoryWinnerBag weight(kg)
Mens Division and Arab Memorial TrophyJason Harrison6.660
Ladies Division:Casey Peron9.165
Veterans Division:Mark Bonner4.895
Junior Division:Travis Bonner4.720
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