
Wet weather wrings dry
  |  First Published: September 2011

Last month I mentioned we had the wettest winter for many years. The Snowy and Brodribb river systems had flooded three times and had flushed the system out, making it look good for the up-coming season.

Well it started to do just that; bream had entered the system in good numbers and anglers were in their element, reporting good captures of big bream from the entrance up to Lake Corringle.

Anglers have reported the best baits being black crab, fresh water yabbies, local shell and frozen prawn.

We have had some huge frosts that seem to be a trigger in our area for schools of mullet to arrive, and so they have.

Anglers have had good results on sandworm, with many an angler getting their bag. Schools of luderick can be found along the rock groins and mud banks, the best bait in our area for luderick is sandworm.

An odd estuary perch has been caught on lures, but the main run of perch won’t come until early November. Salmon and tailor can be found from the second island down to the entrance. Best results by trolling lures.

As this report is going to paper the wet weather reported earlier has began again, this morning on my way to work I noticed the river is flooding again, the result of an east coast low, so we can expect it to all begin again.

Thankfully we still have the surf beaches to fish. Those anglers who have been braving the winter weather have had good results, with many good reports of salmon and tailor, flathead, mullet and a shark.

This year the salmon have been huge; many captures have been well over 3kg, with a few 4kg plus. Best results on bluebait, squid, and pipis.

Offshore has been a bit hit and miss, on my last outing we caught a few flathead and many double header barracouta, not very productive.

Other anglers have had very different results, getting good bins of flathead and bagging out on gummy shark; it only goes to show you have to be there to get the results.

Again I will stress this time of year the weather is very unpredictable, so if venturing off shore safety comes first.

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