
Wondering about Winter
  |  First Published: July 2011

All the signs were pointing to June being a great time on the lake. But it was not to be.

There are very few decent reports coming in with most of the trout still staying deep. Normally they have been on the edges for months, but it hasn’t been what any of us would call ‘normal’ this year.

I have been spending quite a bit of time in my boat searching around for activity and new spots. Big River, the Delatite River as well as the upper Goulburn all are extremely dirty but are going to be awesome spots come spring.

As for winter fishing depending on rainfall events, these spots might be worth a crack if there has been no rain for a couple of weeks.


Steve Vidler has once again been doing well on the cod, with a few good fish around the 70cm mark.

Also a local angler known as Smokey Phil Newton has managed a couple of cracking redfin around 1kg and a nice yella around 1kg.

It appears that bait fishers will be the most productive for the winter. Once again scrub worms seem to be fodder that most fish seem to be gorging themselves on.

Hopefully the trout come to the surface and the edges sooner rather than later so we can cast some plastics and hardbodied lures.


The Pondage has been up and down like a yo-yo. As a consequence it hasn’t been much chop at all really.

Victorian Fisheries have made some good fish releases lately, so when levels settle down for steady periods of time it will fire as it always does in winter.

Stephen Vidler caught this marvelous cod at Lake Eildon recently on a spinnerbait. The spinnerbait blade is 80mm long, which gives you an idea of the condition of this fish!

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