
Trout season draws to a close
  |  First Published: June 2011

We are almost at the end of another trout season and it has been a good season in this area.

The hoppers were not what they should have been but the trout were prepared to take other offerings anyhow. The rivers flowed well all season. We had plenty of rain that briefly interrupted fishing for a few days, but it then generally returned to normal flow and the fishing resumed as though nothing happened.

Overall the trout size was down a little. There were a few trophy browns landed that were in the range of 2-3kg but their average bread and butter variety trout came in at about 500g. And there were good numbers of them about most of the year.

Of course it is not finished yet and there are still opportunities to take a fish or two.

Over the past month the Mitta River has continued to fish well. The trout have stopped rising and the evening activity has ceased but during the warmer part of the day the trout are still happy to take a fly, lure or bait.

There is a good smattering of trout to be caught around the 750g mark and plenty of smaller fish.

I have had a few reports of rainbows moving up from Dartmouth Dam ready to spawn. Mick Rosenboom fished the Mitta recently and caught a good bag of browns on small nymphs and emergers in the Hinnomunjie area. Mick found that even when the trout were not rising they were prepared to take a small emerger.

The Bundara River is fishing well. Fish are a similar size to the Mitta and they are taking the same offerings.

Middle Creek is also producing some reasonable fishing. This is a small tributary of the Mitta River and can be successfully fished upstream from the Omeo highway bridge. The pool where it enters the Mitta River is always worth a cast or two.

The Cobungra River is also fishing well especially in the Innisfail area. At this time of the year it can be worth a visit upstream of its junction with the Victoria River. This section is quite remote and can be hard going in places but fishing pressure is not great and it is not uncommon to get a better than average fish out of it.

The Gibbo River just keeps producing. It is a pretty little river with good access from the Benambra/Corryong Road and it is full of small rainbows.

Peter Davidson recently took a good bag of rainbows using a Royal Wulff. It is a great spot to take a beginner, as there are plenty of eager rainbows lined up to be caught.

Livingston River is also fishing well. Small browns are plentiful in the Cassilis area.

Ross Martin is given a working over by a good brown in the Mitta River. The fish can be seen in the water at his feet.

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